As men we like to keep things simple. We like our meals to consist of meat and not much else, we like to torment ourselves by watching our favourite sports team battle it out every weekend and we almost never cry… but most of all, we like to have our own private space from time to time. Well to be honest, that isn’t true at all. Maybe for some men it is, but we’re not ... Read More →
Let’s Get this Party Started
There has been something of a reordering within the capital’s social scene of late: for years the hipsters of Shoreditch and Dalston have carried the torch of cool, launching the top clubs, setting all the fashion trends, playing all the best music. But the Chelsea set have just been biding their time. Clubs such as Bodo’s Schloss, an “ironic” take on an Austrian aprés-ski bar, launched a few years ago, and you know what? They ... Read More →
Am I a Vinyl Loser?
There are two types of people: those who think vinyl is awesome, and those who find the hipster hijack painful,” said my flatmate. It was a Sunday and Lou Reed had died only hours earlier. We were listening to Transformer on a vintage vinyl (obvy) on my roomie’s record player. Reed would have hated us — two middle-class east London-dwelling upstarts waxing lyrical about the beauty of vinyl. For years, record shops were the preserve ... Read More →