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Last Update on September 29, 2014 // Written by Hank No Comments
For years, I’ve been hiding within the premises of my home because I have a problem which I can’t deny to my friends and family and this is obesity. Well, hiding is my best option since I don’t want to be sullied by others whose job is to look at you from head to feet and have a grin on their face just because you are fat and ugly. But then, I started to realize that they are right all along and that’s when I decided to stand up and be fit and right, since this if for the best, and I don’t want to die young because I have health complications due to obesity. I know, it’s not fair to be ridiculed by others, but I have to be strong and I’m a man of my words so I’ve decided to get help and I’ve found Kris Gethin online.
Kris Gethin has been my “guru” when it comes to health and fitness. He’s no ordinary man for me since he has helped me to be fit and right again. I must say, the methods provided for me is no walk in the park especially during my “heavy weight days”, but not an excuse for me not to follow his methods on how to reduce my weight and have a well built muscular body.
In my first few weeks of losing weight, I followed the Diet Transformation Principle (DTP) nutritional method which of course was provided by Kris Gethin. It is a 12-week diet program which provided me the best diet endeavours to help me lose weight and form the muscle in my body. Now the diet consists of protein, carbohydrate and vegetable diet implements. There are customized food measurements which I need to follow and it also includes the portion size. I admit the method is quite hard to follow at first, but as days pass by it gets much easier. I have adjusted to the diet regimens through the guidance of Kris Gethin’s DTP plan and it worked for me after 12 weeks of implementing the diet.
A part of Kris Gethin’s guide to having a well-built body is the “Body by Design” system. Take note, a healthy and effective diet system is included here but Kris Gethin also points out a successful workout system which I have done as well. The key here is to follow the “Four Pillars of Power” and these means you need to: burn and build, live out loud, get radical and take it home.
All the health and fitness details provided by Kris Gethin are quite effective for me and it didn’t took me long to achieve the body that I’ve always wanted. Remember, all the nutritional advice are indicated and even the best workouts. Well it is also necessary for to hydrate and this an advice Kris tells to everyone.
So to tell you the truth, Kris Gethin did changed my life and now, my confidence came back and it’s all thanks to him.
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