One of the parts of a man's face that seldom gets attended to is their eyebrows! Every guy has a pair of them, and some look better groomed than others (do they take help from the Best microblading Vancouver clinics or elsewhere to keep them so prim and proper?) There are plenty of men with wild and furry caterpillars on their faces. Of course, most are just "normal" and kept under control.
As you're reading this blog post, I am going to assume that you fall under the first category. You've perhaps thought of doing something extreme, like just shaving them all off! The bad news with that approach is that your eyebrows won't grow back quick. And, if I'm honest, you'll just look weird without any on your face!
Image Credit: Pixabay
The good news is that I can help you to keep your brows in check! Just follow some of my tips below and you'll sport some well-groomed eyebrows in no time at all. Here is what you need to know:
Get some recommendations for a good groomer
You might think that the DIY approach to eyebrow modification is okay, and for some people it is. If you'd rather a pro sort your brows out for you, it's worth finding a good
groomer. Of course, as with anything in life, get some recommendations first.
Oh, and whatever you do, don't ask a female for advice on which one to choose! There is a big difference between male and female eyebrows. You need to find an eyebrow doctor that specializes in the male gender!
Don't ever attempt to wax your eyebrows
As crazy as it sounds, some men think that it's a good idea to wax their eyebrows. Unless you want to look like
that guy from the Police Academy movies, of course!
Don't get me wrong; many people have their eyebrows waxed (by an expert I might add). The downside to waxed eyebrows is you end up with sculpted, blocky brows instead of natural ones. Tweezers are a better tool to use on your eyebrows.
Why is that, you might ask? Well, you can just pluck the hairs that you want to remove. Doing so is also not as painful as using wax!
Get some advice
Before you decide to try any of the tips listed on this blog post, it's worth your while getting some advice first. A male styling expert or barber can usually give you some ideas.
You can also turn to that great mine of knowledge, the Internet, for help. Websites like
SkincareForMenExplained are a good example! A few simple Google searches will return some useful sources for advice online.
Enlist the power of Photoshop
Before you have any physical work done to your brows, have you considered a virtual makeover? Just edit a photo of yourself in Photoshop and see which look or style works best for you.
That way, if you get someone else to sort your eyebrows out, you can explain to them how you want yours to look.
I hope you have enjoyed reading today's handy blog post. Thanks for checking it out!
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