Not all men have the ability to look like A David Beckham or a Brad Pitt. To some extent, you are at the mercy of your genes and that is something you have to accept. However, that doesn’t mean that you cannot dress well and look your best. You don’t need to be a male model to take an interest in the latest fashions and trends. All you need to do is take a look at some of these style secrets that will revolutionise the way you look.
Assert Your Style
The first tip to remember is your individuality. Yes, there are a few generic tips that every man should adhere to. No socks with sandals instantly spring to mind. But, you should always bring a little bit of yourself to the table when you are getting dressed. It is all about having the confidence to pull off the look and trying to be a little different.
Buy A Good Pair Of Shoes
Shoes are one of the first things that people look at and use to make an instant judgement. Seriously, the next time you are talking to a girl
she will be checking out your kicks. Apart from dating advice, a good pair of shoes can be incredibly helpful to your style. If they are stylish, shoes will sharpen any look and make it look better. Or, they can be the final touch to the perfect outfit.
Be Bold
Especially as it is the summer, you should think about being bold with your colour schemes. During the summer months, bold and light colours will perfectly complement the natural feel and atmosphere of the season. But, it is also a great way to stand out from the crowd. You don’t have to go overboard, but you should try and be exciting. A unique style is one that everyone will envy.
Get A Tailor
With clothes, it is all about the fit, which is why you should check out
Mohan’s Custom Tailors to make sure you exploit this secret. If the fit is not right, you won’t get the look that you crave. Too baggy and it makes you look like you haven’t tried, but too tight and you look like a show off. A custom tailor will fit every piece of clothing you need so this will never be a problem.
Don’t React
Chasing trends is not a good idea if the trend is not for you. They might work for one or two people, but that doesn’t mean that you should jump on the bandwagon too. You need to ask yourself whether the new fad will enhance your look, or complement your style. If it doesn’t, resist the temptation and leave it alone. You work too hard to find your formula only to throw it away to follow the rest of the sheep.
Creating your style doesn’t have to be as hard you think. As long as you stick to a couple of important factors, you will look the part. And there is no better feeling than looking your best.
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