Travel Blog
Last Update on December 11, 2017 // Written by Hank No Comments
Germany is the only other country I know where people generally take the same approach to their entertainment, which is a very pragmatic approach as is the case with the nightlife scene over in Prague. Otherwise yeah, that’s exactly what it is – quite an intriguing approach to enjoying the nightlife, which I guess is an approach that is consistent in just about every other area of their lives over in the Czech Republic’s capital. I just knew I was in for somewhat of a different and refreshing experience when we were planning our two-week stay in Prague with some friends online and the Czechs amongst them were asking very specific questions. As it turns out they were in actual fact drawing up what I can only refer to as a detailed “fun schedule” and I’m talking really detailed here, right down to public transport schedules, times, specific activities – the works! We were each forwarded the schedule and at first I thought it was some kind of joke, but it even had some alternatives should things not quite work out according to plan. It’s all very pragmatic, hence my play on the word “Praguematic” and any doubt I might have had that it was something of a joke were duly expelled when I actually showed up a couple of minutes late and was greeted with “You’re late, mate!” Nevertheless, as it turns out the pragmatic approach to planning everything, including one’s entertainment, is indeed somewhat of a requisite in this part of the world. Not to say there is absolutely no room for spontaneity – there was actually even a section in the digital diary note of which the time was allocated to “assessing the turn of the evening so far and then seeing how it goes from there...” I suppose it’s a bit of a cultural thing as well, with the post-Soviet era nations sort of learning to focus on what’s important, so much so that it has permeated even the fun and entertainment scene. Example, in one of the bars we were all set on knocking a few back in, prior to the very pretty bar-lady pouring us each our drinks, she asked us how quickly we wanted to get as drunk as we wanted to get, if at all. For each ‘degree of intoxication over a factor of time,’ she had drinks suggestions based on their alcohol volume percentage. I kid you not! In all its pragmatism however, the seemingly sleepy city has plenty to offer and it goes way beyond the usual night activities in Prague. By design it’s almost as if every flavour of what people refer to as fun is catered to in a very accommodating fashion, for example you won’t really get annoyed by any loud club music if you don’t want to. You can be out and about enjoying the interesting mix of unique architecture and infrastructure and just a few yards away from you some clubbers could be enjoying themselves without you even knowing it. It’s basically just a matter of choosing your poison and really letting it kill you, in the exact manner of your choosing, of course.
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