Travel Blog
Last Update on January 18, 2019 // Written by Hank No Comments
If you've never been on a real camping experience (no, the few hours you spent as a child in a tent in your mum's back yard doesn't count), then you're missing out. You'd be sure to have a lot of fun if you were to spend a night under canvas, and being so close to nature would definitely teach you a few things about yourself that you never knew before.
Don't be too quick to embark on your first ever camping trip, though. Before you set out, you should take in as much advice as possible to ensure you get the most out of your experience. Fortunately, such advice, in the form of top tips for first-time campers, can be found below.
If you've never camped before, you won't be able to gauge what exact gear you need, how much of it you need, and, importantly, how much you need to spend on it. With regards to the latter, quite simply, you need not spend a fortune. There's no need for you to go out and buy fancy, expensive, top-of-the-range gear. If you've got a friend who can spare you their tent and bedding for the weekend, borrow from them. There's no need for you to break the bank - if you do that, you might as well just pay for a local five-star hotel to put you up for the night. Moreover, you can buy small necessities that you can reuse, such as a compass, knives, field knife sharpener, hiking belt, etc. These items are cheap, readily available, and can be very useful during a hiking and camping trip.
You can buy a tent, camping stove, and other costly items once you have experienced your first trip. Moreover, while spending for your camping adventure, make sure to explore the market and check out various brands before you make any investments. In this instance, make sure to head to Outdoor Wilds, a renowned authority when it comes to camping equipment and guides. From trail cams to GPSs to kayaks, there, you'll be able to find comprehensive advice on what is worth spending on and what you should be avoiding like a bear in the woods.
In the UK, even in the summer months of June and July, the temperature always has the potential to plummet - if you don't want to spend a night shivering in your tent, you should bear this in mind! Avoid freezing on your first camping trip by bringing extra blankets, sleeping bags, and layers with you.
As you prepare for a cold night, consider enjoying a drink or two for added comfort. Special beverages like Wynk CBD and THC drinks (available at can offer soothing relief and help you relax, making your camping experience more enjoyable and cozy. By packing the right gear and having a delightful drink on hand, you can ensure a comfortable night under the stars, even if the temperature drops unexpectedly.
Sticking with what you should and shouldn't be buying, you should definitely invest in a bigger tent than you think you'll need. It's true, even if it means going against the above advice and spending more than you have to, you should buy a bigger tent. You should do this because you're going to need a space that is big enough to fit you, your party, and all of your equipment in comfortably - there's seriously nothing worse than discomfort on a camping trip, especially if the weather outside isn't too pleasant! You could choose a rei co-op tent or a similar tent if you have a bigger party along with you.
To truly enjoy your first camping experience, you should take the above advice and put it into practice when you come to arranging your trip.
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