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Last Update on September 29, 2014 // Written by Hank No Comments
How you dress, talk and generally present yourself is no longer sufficient for others to judge you. Instead people now judge you, and your spending power, by the smartphones you have or the laptops and tablets you carry around. Gadgets can tell a lot about who you are as a person. To begin with let's have a look at your smartphone.
The iPhone has its own league of die-hard fans, some having to wait in line for hours and hours before they get the latest version of the gadget. People seem to be so much in love with these devices that they usually do not leave their phones uncared for. Oftentimes, the owner travels the extra mile for iPhone Repair. The bond between the owner and the device happens to be strong.
But why is it so? According to research, it can be because iPhone can make its users look more stylish than average mobile phone users. They tend to enjoy luxuries in life from massages to facials. Moreover, some studies suggest that iPhone users are degree holders and have more sexual partners than the rest of us- thinking about going iPhone?
Android Smartphone
Android Smartphone users are considered to be tech savvy and free-spirited individuals. They tend to be male who may never leave their home town. Android users are enjoying playing video game and they like working out.
Windows Smartphone
Window smart phone users are usually politically moderate. They tend to be daring and comfortable with themselves. They choose fine things in life and are great sharers.
Blackberry has had a corporate image for quite a while so owners are likely to be guys with big paycheck. They are likely to have a salary that is twice as much as other SmartPhone users. Blackberry users are also workaholics who take their work everywhere they go.
Mac users are more likely earn a substantial income and tend to be selfish and mean spirited individuals. They are overeducated vegetarians who live in the city. They would rather read the Times than be seen going through funny memes.
Dell like Blackberry is a corporate laptop which is supplied to businesses all over. Dell users are corporate employees who dedicate their life to performing company tasks. Its dull colors is somewhat conservative.
Sony Vaio
Sony Vaio is the laptop of choice for those who would like to rest assured on a brand name with solid reputation. Vaio users are also less likely to travel due to regional coding issues. They are more likely to be suburbanites or rural folks who stop at fan meme sites atleast once a day.
Probably a very small percentage of the population still own analogue TVs. They are slowly becoming as extinct as dinosaurs- you're stuck in the past.
LCD users prefer reliability above all and they will go an extra mile to get something that will work well and last longer rather than settling for a something that is bound to get spoiled sooner or later.
Plasma TV owners tend to be game and sports enthusiasts. They spend hours and hours in front of their television watching movies or just playing video games.
LED TV users are more environmentally conscious. They are also more likely to be rich and wealthy.
3DTV owners are rich tech obsessed guys with a ton of money to spend. They are also more likely to always buy the latest in technology.
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